About Me & Why I Share My Writing

Hello to you and a warm welcome to my spot here in Medium.

C. Bjørnemose
3 min readApr 2, 2022
This is me, the very real person behind the writing. Photo by my S.O., in 2021. Edited by me.

Since the “About” section for the profile is quite short, character-wise, I thought I would make this post to share why I chose to publish my poetry here.

I’m C. Bjørnemose, and I’m relatively new to this platform.

I decided to start sharing my poetry and reflections about my life’s experiences here on Medium to help people with similar experiences feel less alone.

I was diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) in 2018 and have since then been learning how to come to terms with having it, and accepting that my various conditions in life have led to me having this. Likewise, I’m still learning to find a way to forgive and have compassion for the people who have played a role in me getting it. And I’m also still learning to love myself truly for all that I am.

Having and living with C-PTSD can be a lonely life if you don’t have people on your side who actively want to understand what you are going through. I have often felt that I’m the only one in the world with this, because it, as well as, many other mental health conditions, is kind of taboo to talk about in public. Or at least it is in the part of the world where I live and grew up.

I found that as I started being more open with close friends and family about my challenges, they also started sharing their authentic selves and the challenges they have. I even found that I have a couple of friends who have a version of PTSD as well, and who just like me felt by themselves with the experience.

Regarding my writing, I initially started by sharing it with close friends and found that it resonated with a few of them. Not only that, I even had a friend telling me that they felt less alone from reading my stuff. So I figured since there are people in my close circle that can relate, there must be more people out there who might find some resonance with my stuff too.

I write mostly by hand first as I feel the most connected to myself that way. The photo is taken and edited by me, taken in 2021.

My objective in sharing this publicly on Medium is to help people with similar life experiences feel less alone and all by themselves in this world and hopefully open even more awareness and conversations on difficult topics inside mental health, childhood trauma, and C-PTSD.

No one has to or should go through mental hardships alone, and sometimes all we need is a random stranger on our path who just “gets it”. I’m happy if my writing and I can do that for others.

I’m not a professional writer or poet. But I have always loved writing and resonated most with the format of poetry. That said, I’m not very refined and certainly don’t follow the “rules of poetry”. I don’t wish to offend anyone professional in the field of poetry, as I have deep respect for these individuals. So I hope you can forgive me for not being a “perfect poet” :).

Thank you to all the publications here on Medium who have taken me on, and published my writing so far. I’m so deeply honored!

And also a massive thank you to my followers here. That you follow me and support my writing is more impactful for this journey than I could ever express properly in words. Every one of you is so very special to me :).

Thank you for reading this!

Have a lovely day/ night, wherever in this wonderful and challenging world you are :)

Lots of love,

C. Bjørnemose



C. Bjørnemose

Hi, I’m C. & this is my corner here on Medium. I write poems & reflections about life & love as I learn, heal & grow. Happy reading! :)